Circle of Care

The intent of the “Circle of Care” is to provide opportunities for everyone to serve God and fellowship with each other.

It is in Christian love and fellowship that we serve one another. The Circle of Care provides multiple ministry opportunities to use your God given talents to serve the body of Christ. Ministries are categorized into Ministry Segments seen in the Circle of Care Logo:

  • Communication Ministries
  • Service Ministries
  • Fellowship Ministries
  • Missions Ministries
  • Education Ministries
  • Facilities and Safety Ministries
  • Benevolence Ministries

Each Ministry Segment within the Circle of Care connects to Christ, Who is the Center of each of our lives. The Ministry Segments also inter-connect among themselves, showing the cooperation and fellowship among and within the ministries. The Ministry Segments also show connection opportunities for those who are outside the Body of Christ.

Each of the ministries within the Circle of Care is designed to do the good work that God has appointed for each of us to do in the manner God has appointed for us to do it.

When God placed us in His Kingdom, He didn’t give us a retirement date. God didn’t tell us to stop working when we get ready but to serve until Jesus comes.


The Circle of Care is About Serving

Serving Christ; Serving one another; Serving those who are outside of the Body of Christ. It’s what we do as Christians; we serve one another. There are so many opportunities to serve!

The links below will take you to each of the ministries we have – or would like to have – at West Olive. Perhaps you are passionate about a particular ministry, but it is not listed. Please speak to your elders about your desire to lead a ministry and it will be taken into consideration. All of the ministries in the Circle of Care were begun by someone who had a passion for that ministry, started it and found others in the congregation who shared a similar interest in participating in the ministry.

Communication Ministries

Service Ministries

Fellowship Ministries

Missions Ministries

Education Ministries

Facilities & Safety Ministries

Benevolence Ministries