Our Ministers

Rich Howell
Rich and his family joined us in December 2020 to serve as pulpit minister. Rich and Janet are both from Northern California. Rich’s full-time ministry experience includes serving as youth minister, missionary to Argentina, preaching in two multi-cultural congregations in California. Prior to coming to West Olive, Rich served the Lord for fifteen years in Gainesville, Florida.
Rich received his ministerial education from the Bay Area School of Religion and Sunset International Bible Institute. Rich’s emphasis is on “equipping” the saints for ministry and outreach. His areas of involvement include leadership training and mentoring, conducting personal and home Bible studies, visitation, spiritual counseling, Bible camps, Vacation Bible Schools and mission trips to Latin America.
Rich’s wife, Janet, is a faithful servant of Christ, devoted homemaker and skilled Bible class teacher. She has been a catalyst for engaging the women and girls in various church ministries, activities and classes. She graduated from the University of California and from Sunset International Bible Institute.
Rich’s & Janet’s daughter, Katherine, is a University of Florida graduate and an elementary-age school teacher. Their son Jeffrey is a University of Florida graduate and Masters in Ministry graduate from Freed-Hardeman University and is ministering for the Deerfoot church of Christ near Birmingham, Alabama. Both Katherine and Jeffrey are devoted Christians and very involved in the Lord’s work, especially as teachers and mentors to college students and younger adults.