Barnabas Ministry

The people of the Barnabas Ministry extend encouragement to all (first-time visiting) people who made the decision to worship with our congregation. Local first-time guests receive a nice basket filled with home-made goodies delivered to their home within a week of their visit. All first-time guests receive a “Thank you for worshiping with us” card hand-made by our children. Each week we pray for EVERY guest who fills out a Guest Card.

The Barnabas Ministry consists of several teams taking turns meeting every Tuesday for a meal and engaging in the activities for the evening. “Barnabatians” look forward to the accomplishment of a great work as well as lots of fun, food and fellowship. The Barnabas Ministry engages the whole family as children are a vital part of the ministry activities. If you would like to be a part of the Barnabas Ministry or just want to see what it is like, consider visiting on a Tuesday evening or talk to our Shepherd, Steve Sior